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When starting the company back in 1985, I didn’t always have time to make the best business decisions. Paying the mortgage was the first thing on my mind. That said, as we grew as a company with increased staff, responsibilities and client base, we associated ourselves with support companies that were more advanced in technology and important business ventures. They encouraged us to follow proven business acumen and to look to the future, not just the present.

As we grew so did the technology. Then along came the internet, which always seemed a step ahead of us. It’s clear by now that an online presence is critical to sustaining and growing a business. So, what exactly does this have to do with a hyphen?

We’re happy to announce that effective immediately our web and email addresses will be accessible through! Either with or without the hyphen, you’ll be able to reach us via email and through our website. We look at this as a small, but significant, step toward making contact easier and more user-friendly.

Our philosophy is to be a resource for our clients and always be reachable to get them answers. As we reflect this holiday season, we want to say thank you to our existing and soon-to-be clients for their business and support and look ahead to a simpler SysTech Design (without the hyphen!)


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